
Acum pe columbofil.net licitatie A. Sneller – Olanda.

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Mai jos aveti un material de prezentare in engleza cu A. Sneller.

His strain is build up by the old gebr. Janssen Arendonk pigeons, Floor Engels and from his friend Edwin Hoogland (he has the best of the best from Comb. Verbree)

Almost 70% of his great pigeons decadents from the old foundation pair “oude vale” (Janssen x Floor Engels) x “stammoedertje” and from “De jonge vale” son “Oude vale” x “stammoedertje”. “De jonge vale” and family are in this auction.

Further is his strain we see pigeons from the best of Comb. Verbree as nestsister “Crown Juwel”, “Vino”, “Charlie” and from Edwin Hoogland family from “Ireen”, “Suarez”, “Olympic Laureen”.

Some results from the last year in the region are:


Sprint acepigeon (2010-1317708, Miss Sneller)

Late sprint races (2010-1317708, Miss Sneller)

Allround acepigeon (2010-1317708, Miss Sneller)

Acepigeon extreme longdistance

Acepigeon longdistance


Acepigeon extreme longdistance


Acepigeon middle distance

Acepigeon youngsters

Mr. Sneller wish all customers from Romania good luck with his pigeons.

The best of the best is special selected for the customers.

Adaugat pe 8 Oct 2014 de |  | 1,598 views

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